Wednesday 18 May 2011

There will be blood

It is said that anything that is of value involves blood, sweat and tears - but I don't like blood, sweat and tears!

There seem to be so many reasons/excuses not to go running: too early, too late, too hot, too cold, too full, too hungry, actually the main one seems to be too busy - things are so busy. We go on holiday soon so everything backs ups into the fortnight before and I have to run to catch up, except that leaves no actual time to run.

I had some time yesterday evening but I was made to promise that I would not run, he was bigger than me, made me sign forms and then assaulted me with this HUGE needle, literally sucking the life force from me - I took a picture to prove it.

Why can't I run just because I have given blood? Apparently I will faint - I have never fainted! Apparently there is a first time for everything. So I promised that I would not go scuba diving, go-kart driving, paragliding and a host of other things I just don't do anyway. He said I had to promise not to go running too, I said I don't run, I jog, badly. Apparently I can't do that either not for 24 hours, so with several evening meetings I couldn't run today either.

Then I had an argument with the manager of the area Blood Service unit. As I surveyed the calorie, salt and sugar laden crisps and biscuits I merely suggested that fruit might be an option, that made her blood boil. Clearly I wasn't the first to suggest it and she has all the answers, was I willing to pay more taxes? this wasn't private this was the National Health, all the biscuits were neatly packed and germ free, fruit would be loose and unhealthy, it would get bruised, the staff would eat it! At that point I gave up.

I will go running tomorrow, as long as it's not too hot or too cold, did the man say 24 hours or 24 days? Do I really need an excuse/reason not to run


  1. You should listen to the Doctor, I'm not allowed to give blood but then i don't run either. And none of us need an excuse not to exercise. But your comment about fruit was justified in my humble opinion

  2. This is my third attempt I see to be struggling with sending the comments. Now I have forgotten what I wanted to say! Oh I know
    I miss running, being outside, feeling the sun on my face or the rain on my head and yet when I am abel to return to running I have not doubt that I will do the same and line uo the excuses!
    BTW that photo is gross!
