It seems that so many things are coming together in my life at the moment. I have my Myers Briggs exams on Friday where I present my field work research, undertake an observed assessment and have to get 80% in a written exam. I think I am ready but a little anxious too.
This weekend is also the Great West Run with Sharon an myself using it to gauge and improve our fitness as we continue to prepare for the marathon. I think I am ready for 13.2 miles and if I did it in 2hr10min I would be delighted. Sponsor us here
The Methodist Circuit I belong to has also started to look at the books of Acts, in its preaching, bible studies and in a daily pod cast throughout May View here I recorded mine in a secret location last night for transmission on Monday 7th.
Also I have been reading Natasha's (my eldest daughter's) dissertation, immensely proud and impressed as to her learning and application over these last three years.
And on Monday I gave blood, my 18th donation (I was a late starter),
I have entitled this 'human contagion' to echo a phrase used by Fr Richard Rohr as he described the way in which love becomes actuated and 'real' when it is offered and received in a way that is affirming and empowering reciprocally. There is something about where I am and the things before me and behind me that this resonates with, the things that we do, like seeds sown, are part of who we are, aspects that are 'offered'. We make these offerings, hopefully with good intentions, sometimes out of love, yet as we make them we can only hope that they will be received as such, that part of our 'doing' might be received in an act that is seen as love. A contagion.
I don't know where my 'doings' will end up, my blood should get some use if I don't get a cold in the next two weeks, my training should get me around Exeter and who knows beyond. The Acts Podcasts are 'out there' offered as an idea, but who knows if anyone is watching or they are of any use. Natasha's education, once completed, can lead down many roads, yet still full of so many possibilities. My Myers Briggs training similarly with its host of possible encounters, sharing a journey of learning with others as I continue to learn about myself.
So lots of things have come together, I 'do' because I enjoy 'doing' and because it is part of what I see as allowing me to become the best I can be, the way God shaped me to be. As I 'do' I hope two things, one that the things I do might be of use, received, caught, understood. Secondly and perhaps more importantly that the way I do what I do might be a contagion and one that is reciprocated. I think I am ready but maybe a little anxious too.
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