Saturday, 12 October 2013

A close shave?

Recently when I looked at my razor I saw this. 

What was once sharp and gleaming, after only a few weeks of daily use, is blunt and misshapen. Hard steel deformed and dulled by soft skin and hair, I must admit I was slightly surprised.

It is thought that diamonds, 90 miles underground and at huge temperatures take between 1 and 3 billion years to form. We know that trickles of water over a passage of extended time create valleys and ravines, but we are talking millions of years. We know that the tread on tyres have limits but these range in the thousands of miles before they are worn beyond use. Who would have thought that the daily application of steel against relatively soft skin would bring this change in a few weeks?

As the Cornerstone runners prepare for the Great West Run the most important we can do is to go out running regularly, getting our bodies used to the process so when the big day comes we each (hopefully) will get around the 13.1 miles. Yet there are also small things, in preparation, that can make a big difference: laces tied a fraction too tight can cause discomfort as feet swell, too loose and blisters are a danger. A couple of jelly beans at ten miles can make all the difference when energy starts to dissipate. Encouraging words from fellow runners can spur you on; tiny things making huge differences.

On the Facebook group ‘Belonging to Cranbrook’ (which now is approaching its 500th member) there have been some of those tiny acts of kindness: someone wanted some bubble wrap, another asked to borrow a few hairclips, advice about gardening, transport, shopping, take aways – all given and taken. Tiny things that not only make a difference to the recipient but also those who observe and are glad they are part of this community.

So for my running I will keep trying to make tiny improvements, for my razor – I changed the blade. For my spirit – I was lifted as I saw and continue to see a community caring and looking out to offer those tiny acts of kindness. For this community – I hope that we will continue to do our part; that we may never become dulled to the small differences that each of us might be able to make.

Anyone for Movember?